Pirate Piška x Brinas ❀Bloom❀
Girls Gang Bloom forever majic ter seveda vseh ostalih dobrot, ki sem jih pripravila za prihajajočo pomlad.
V prostorih Zavetišča za zavržene rastline, kjer letos gostujem, se nam je na prvem letošnjem pop–up–u pridružil tudi Fržek!
Tina je poskrbela, da je bilo nekaj malega in spomladanskega tudi za prigriznit. Ni manjkala niti limonada s sivko in seveda sladka kava.
Girls Gang Bloom forever is a collection of organic cotton & Fair Wear tshirts hand-plant-dyed by Brinas Studio and illustrated & hand printed by Pirate Piška.
Spring was captured on tshirts using wild, all-natural pigments and signature spring flowers. Tulips carry a message of deep love and rebirth.
We found inspiration in Spring, Nature and the Girls Gang Movement.
All of them teachers with deep roots, strength and willingness to grow.
We hope this tshirt(s) brings you courage to bloom and reflect your highest self.
Only time to shineNow go
Do kmalu, ko se zopet dobimo v podhodu,
da pomald iz podtalja poženemo navzgor!
Piška &